Ghosts do not exist. Their existence is in the mind of humans. At least that is what we believed till now. But some of the leading towns in India will surely change your view on apparitions. These towns are better known as ghost towns for a series of supernatural activities that the locals as well as the tourists experienced, as soon as they stepped into these haunted towns of India. Let us delve into further details and find out some of the ghost towns of India and what is so eerie about them.
Haunted place: Bombay High Court
tinsel town, which is the glamor capital of India, has a place that is
haunted as well. It is the Bombay High Court. You might not believe but
the locals say with conviction that every time a murder trial is
conducted, the presence of a vindictive bilingual apparition is
witnessed by those present inside the court room. It curses and
frightens the people around. So, either the very brave or the too
foolish step inside this haunted court.
Haunted place: Vrindavan Society,Thane
Haunted place: Vrindavan Society,Thane

The frequently recorded incident of haunting in this busy town of India, is in the Vrindavan Society. It is located in West Thane. The residents report that it all started after the suicide of a middle aged man. He jumped down from his apartment, building number 66B and killed himself. The guards patrolling at night there, have reported that they have come across supernatural occurrences since then. One guard also reported that he was slapped hard by somebody invisible. So, if you plan to buy a flat in Vrindavan Society, we will only ask you to have enough of courage to withstand all these eerie incidents.
Haunted place: Bhangarh
is one of the most prominent places in India which is famous, rather
infamous for its paranormal activities. This historical town is located
somewhere between Alwar and Jaipur in Rajasthan. As per the history of
the place goes, it was established by Madho Singh, the younger sibling
of Akbar's general Man Singh. The haunted town gives an impression that
it was deserted overnight in a hurry. Not a single form of life is found
in this deserted town now except for the wild vegetation. People
believe that it is cursed and nobody has the guts to stay there after
sunset. One who dares to stay overnight is found dead, the following
morning. Even the archeological department of India did not dare to open
an office in this historical town. So, the question remains a mystery
as to what happens there during the wee hours of night.
Haunted place: Crematorial area, Dumas
Haunted place: Crematorial area, Dumas

Located in Gujrat, Dumas is a Hindu crematorial area that is haunted. The natives or those who have been to that area, remark that the Dumas beach is highly unsafe for taking a night stroll. It is not because of the antisocial elements but the paranormal activities that are in rage, post sunset. It is said that if you dare to walk in the Dumas beach past sunset, you will hear strange noises that will warn you to go back and not to proceed any further. Even the dogs will start chasing you out of the beach. All these warn against the danger which is beyond control.
Haunted place: Delhi Cantonment

The capital of India is also not exempted from paranormal activities. It is in the Delhi Cantonment where a shadowy figure of a lady clad in white is seen regularly after the sunset. She would stand in front of the passing by vehicles and signal for a lift. Those who are aware of this supernatural incident never dare to stop and run through the shadowy figure. But to their utter surprise the figure chases the vehicles with equal speed and seems to melt in the air after sometime. This explains what might happen to a vehicle which stops to give her a lift.
Haunted place: Ramoji film city,Hyderabad

The Ramoji film city in Hyderabad is as famous in the movie circle as in case of haunting. Believe it or not, the crane lights suddenly roll down and break, toilet doors are banged, creepy things are felt around and women's dresses get torn all of a sudden. Many cameramen have reported that they have often been pushed while at work. But who does it could not be figured out at all. The most eerie thing of all is perhaps the appearance of Urdu letters on the mirrors of the green room without anyone's presence around. Sources say that the film city has been built upon the war ground of the Nizam. Bloodshed and assassination of the war victims has made the ground so cursed that no measures proved full proof in arresting these supernatural incidents.
Huanted place: The National Library, Belvedere Road

The culture capital of India, Kolkata is known for its rich heritage. But ghost stories also run parallel with the culture and tradition of the place. Among the many haunted places of Kolkata, The National Library located at the Belvedere Road, is one of the prime ones. The students who visit the place regularly, report that they have felt "something" around them but could not see anything substantial. Footsteps tapping up and down the wooden staircases of this ancient British building are commonly heard incidents. People believe that the wife of the then British governor general haunts the place. Staffs and night guards report that they have seen two black colored shadowy figures roaming in the backyard of National Library during the night time.
Haunted place: Dow Hill forest

The serene and dense Dow Hill forest at Kurseong in West Bengal is equally infamous for its uncanny atmosphere. The damp and chilly weather of the forest is itself sufficient in arousing goose bumps even during the day. Added to it is the regular incident of a headless youth walking down the adjacent road and entering the forest to vanish in the air, is most terrifying. So, enter the forest at your own risk.
Haunted place: Shaniwarwada Ford

The locals in the area of Shaniwarwada Ford get terrified by the words "Uncle save me!". This is exactly what the ghoul of the murdered heir of the kingdom utter and run about all through the fort. Narayanan, the brother-in-law of the Peshwa king Madhavrao was the legal heir of the then province. But in the temporary absence of the Peshwa, he was deceived and brutally killed at the age of thirteen under the order of the wife of Madhavrao. Thus, his restless soul haunts the fort even today and cries aloud for help, especially during the full moon nights. You should dare not visit the fort on such nights.
Haunted place: Hotel Savoy
is one of the most frequently visit tourist spots. But the Hotel Savoy
is perhaps the eternal favorite of Lady Garnet Orme. She was poisoned to
death during the British period. The locals report that her restless
soul still exists in that luxurious historic hotel and roams all around
aimlessly in the darkest of the nights
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